Corsa dei Santi

The idea of the “Corsa dei Santi” (The Saint’s Run) was born in 2008 with the desire to add a new dimension to the popular celebration of All Saints’ Day.

Running in the name of the saints, in addition to identifying with a sport is the healthiest and most gratifying form of celebration and symbolizes a deeper meaning of Christian life – to run with determination to win a race, towards the home of the Saints.

To give a visible dimension to this symbolism, runners depart from St. Peter’s Square and return there to then receive a blessing from the Holy Father. 

Two routes: the 10 km competitive and non-competitive and the 3 km non-competitive races, meander through the center of Rome passing important landmarks and historical monuments. 
Two routes for enthusiasts wanting to be together in the open air and to parade through the heart of imperial, renaissance and baroque Rome, breathing in the beauty of the city without the exhaust from the cars.

Every year as per tradition, the race is organized for a fundraising project.

Canale 5 shoots the event live and broadcast it in a special edition of the news.

Many prizes for the winners (individual and by category) and souvenir medals for all the participants. 

For more information please visit the official website

Social media dedicated to the event: InstagramFacebook