Mami Run

Mother’s Day can be celebrated in many ways. To run in her honor is certainly one of the most original. 
That is what the director of the Rome office of Opera Don Guanella thought when he accepted the proposal to dedicate a running event on the day typically dedicated to mothers of all ages and all those who enliven the institute: beneficiaries, assistants, friends and supporters.

And so the Mami Run was born. A race with two circuits: a 10k route for the FIDAL athletes and a 3k route for all the others, both itineraries starting and finishing at the Institute in Via Aurelia Antica and running through Villa Pamphili.

The athletic nature of the event has not taken away from the genuine flavor of this springtime celebration, nor from the joyful atmosphere of all the friends of Opera Don Guanella who meet together to rediscover a feeling of community, sensitive to the hardships and difficulties of our fellow neighbors. This gives Mother’s Day an element of solidarity and highlights the activity of the Opera Don Guanella, which aims to support abandoned young people, the elderly, the disabled, and in general, all the underprivileged.

In all the editions up until now, hundreds of people have participated. At the finish line everyone is exhausted but satisfied with their athletic performance and all are happy to have taken part in this gesture of solidarity.

For more information, please visit the official website and the Facebook page dedicated to the event.